
Angular 6 on Cloud Foundry with URLs without Hash

This article is about deploying an Angular 6 application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry so that URLs without a hash can be used.

First, some Angular background. Angular is a SPA-framework which means that an Angular app has exactly one html-file: the index.html. This is the only file a web server knows, that’s why theoretically there is only one URL: the one pointing to index.html. However in Angular, it’s possible to create routes like Because there is no sub.html file, a request directly to this file will result in a 404 error because the web server cannot serve a non-existing file. To allow defining and visiting those paths, Angular has a build-in solution. The RouterModule, which is responsible for creating routes like the before mentioned /sub, can be configured to insert hashes in each URL:

RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: true })

Those hashes separate the known URL to the existing index.html and the additional path, for example in “”. The web server will forward the request to the index.html which will deliver the requested and dynamically created Angular-content.

However, using hashes in URLs is not pretty, so I wanted to get rid of them.

Approach 1: Using staticfile_buildpack with modified nginx.conf

Setting up a new Angular application can be done quickly by using the staticfile-buildpack which simply serves the Angular application without much configuration. Here’s the manifest.yml for this simple case:

- name: ithubbs_test
  instances: 1
  buildpack: staticfile_buildpack

The first approach to removing the hashes is to remove the useHash-parameter in the application source code:


This will lead to clean URLs that work when accessed from “within” the Angular application: If you call the base URL which resolves to the index.html and navigate from there to other paths like, everything will work. However, direct requests to this path will result in a 404 error. This is also true for refreshing an opened Angular application with F5.

The nginx-server, which is the web server used in Pivotal Cloud Foundry, can be configured to forward every request to index.html and thereby to Angular. Copying the nginx.conf-file from a preciously successfully deployed and running server is a good way of getting a definitively working config file that can be modified. Another way of getting this file is via Github. This is the modification to forward every request to index.html:

server {
	location / {
	# Configure nginx to forward URLs like to index.html so that request can be handled by Angular instead of nginx trying to find an topic1/detail.html.
	# Default config:
	# index index.html index.htm Default.htm;
	try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

Simply changing nginx.conf on a deployed server is not a good solution because the container gets rebuild with every new deployment. Hence, putting the modified version in the local dist-folder (next to index.html) will upload it with the next deployment. Simply adding the try_files-configuration and using the staticfile_buildpack will solve the URL-hash-problem, but at a cost. Starting the server will bring the following warning:

-----> Configuring nginx
  **WARNING** overriding nginx.conf is deprecated and highly discouraged, as it breaks the functionality of the Staticfile and Staticfile.auth configuration directives. Please use the NGINX buildpack available at:

Approach 2: Using nginx-buildpack with modified nginx.conf

To use the right buildpack, it has to be referenced in the manifest.yml:

- name: ithubbs_test
  instances: 1

Also, the structure of the dist-folder has to be as follows:

|--- public
     |   index.html
     |   favicon.ico
     |   main.xxxxx.js
     |   runtime.ecxxxxx.js
     |   styles.xxxxx.css
|    mime.types
|    nginx.conf

The public-folder is where all the Angular-generated files will be. mime.types can be copied from the nginx-buildpack Github account, as well as a simple version of nginx.conf. It is very important to use in the nginx.conf.

This setup will lead to clean, hash-free URLs as well as no warnings when deploying.