All posts tagged

Developer on the Stage

Developer on the Stage Newsletter 5

Welcome to the fifth newsletter for my book “Developer on the Stage” that will guide software developers to their first successful talk! Online Speaker Ment...

Developer on the Stage Newsletter 4

Welcome to the 4th newsletter for my now published book “Developer on the Stage”! Release The most important news regarding the writing itself is its succe...

Developer on the Stage Available on Amazon

Developer on the Stage Available on Amazon

My book “Developer on the Stage” is now available on Amazon! Get it here and learn how to craft your first IT-related talk! Currently, it is priced at $3,2...

Developer on the Stage Newsletter 3

Welcome to the 3rd newsletter for my upcoming book “Developer on the Stage”! In the last weeks, a lot has been going on. Here are the most important facts an...

Developer on the Stage newsletter 2

Welcome to the second newsletter for my upcoming book “Developer on the Stage” that will guide software developers to their first successful talk. In the la...

Developer on the Stage Newsletter 1

Kind of sneakily, I mentioned before that I’m about to publish a book. It is called “Developer on the Stage”. This book will guide you through your very firs...